Friday, March 23, 2012

Love, Dan


I am so excited to see your face when this is shown to you… Now where do I begin, I guess it is Happy Birthday, you have reached a major milestone and I am so lucky to be a part of your life for more than half of it.

I remember the first date, lunch by the ferry landing with Shell. It really was wonderful. We have had many great moments in time and happy memories. Together, watching our girls grow up, whether in dance or sports, they have brought countless smiles.

The reason I chose the picture of us in the kitchen is that we have spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking for others and are still happy doing so. If a couple can get along in the kitchen, they can stay together - usually too many cooks “spoil the stew”. But not us. Some of the first times we entertained, we were both in the kitchen, the silver salmon smothered in sour cream, prime rib, and countless pecan pies. If we can get along in the kitchen, we can do anything together.

I am looking forward to many more birthdays with you, by your side.

Love you most of all,

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